The Mystic Way


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The Mystic Way (228 KB)
Book by Raymund Andrea. Originally published by King, Littlewood & King Limited, London in 1938.
About The Mystic Way.
List of books by Raymund Andrea.
Sister sites and other sites of interest.

"I have known disciples of great promise and possessing mystical gifts that placed them far ahead of their fellows in evolution, but they failed in one thing, and this compelled them to pause as before a closed door: they had not realised the value, potency and absolute necessity of crowning their long labours with the mystic love which leads to identification with Christ and all souls. No matter how lofty the soul, or how true it is to its discipline, until it has become wholly merciful, softened and suffused with mystic love for all, dying to its own will that others may rise through its abnegation and self-forgetfulness, it cannot pass on and stand in the presence of those who have made the last surrender."
Raymund Andrea
The Mystic Way

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